We’re all healing from something. We’re all trying to lose something that weighs us down.
Instead of punishing yourself for something you ate or beating your body into burning off your “mistakes” try letting go the of the emotional & psychological weight. Be kinder to your heart & kinder to your mind.
Explore how stress reduction moves you through healing and toward your goals.
Movement can help you rewire your brain for new habits and healthier thought patterns. Exercise connects you to your body like nothing else. A fitness ritual will change your mindset & soon you will celebrate your body & your self worth.
When you know what you are worth, access to you will become more expensive.
When you form boundaries around your fitness practice it will naturally help you form boundaries in your personal life.
Ditch the energy vampires and emotional baggage & discover how much lighter you become in every way.
Move with us! 21 opportunities every week!
Get started with your intro offer via the Discovery Sessions link in bio!
@meglove87 passed 25 (actually 26 as of this morning) sessions this week!
Never underestimate what you can accomplish in a short time! Like so many others, Meghan has consistently shown up for herself, growing stronger & more confident with every session!
This is how transformation happens!
Congratulations, Meghan! Thank you for being part of this very special collective of women! ♥️
There is never a bad time to get started at RBFS & it will NEVER be easy to keep showing up for yourself so we are devoted to eliminating many of the obstacles women deal with when trying to make time for themselves.
We keep the schedule simple & consistent with four unchanging class times M-F & Saturday morning Signature Sessions.
Experience a euphoric, fun, effective workout program & a community that makes magic every time we move together!
Your intro offer is in the DISCOVERY SESSIONS link in bio! Get your first 3 sessions for $25 - get booked and let’s go!